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In Vitro studies and Bioanalytical Services
since 2004
From Screening to GLP compliant studies
Oroxcell at a glance
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Mass Spectrometry Platform :
- LC-TQ Agilent 6495c
- LC-QTof Agilent 6546
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of active substances, metabolites and biomarkers are key for interpreting In Vitro.
assays. Up to date spectrometry technologies are key for attributing biological effects to bioavailable species.3D Phototoxicity test
Following the latest test guideline OECD 498 endorsement, Oroxcell offers
Reconstructed Human Epidermis Phototoxicity test in GLP format.
Skin Sensitization experts
Oroxcell is a specialist of Skin Sensitization in vitro tests.
We can provide studies on every steps of skin sensitization.
Centralize your skin tests at Oroxcell !
New Flow Cytometer
Oroxcell received a new Flow Cytometer.
This device is BPL qualified and allows a top level in In vitro technology for:
- Toxicology tests
- Pharmacology/Efficacy tests
New enhancement in skin sensitization testing
h-CLAT (Human Cell Line Activation Test)
Our skin sensitization testing platform, h-CLAT, has been enhanced in order to provide the best service. This testing device is:
- GLP (Good laboratory practice, Grade A) compliant. We provide reproducible and high quality tests.
- Crulety free. We do not use any animals to run our tests.
- Automatized. We improved our time around time.
Our Best Seller: Caco-2/TC7 Cells
Caco-2 / TC7 clone granted from INSERM
- Ready to use plated cells
- 24 or 96 wells formats
- 100 % customer satisfaction (Pharma and Nutrition Health)
Our Skills
Grade A GLP Compliant Studies
Oroxcell is regularly inspected by the ANSM (French Authorities) for performing regulatory toxicity studies for both pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries with a GLP compliant status.
French Tax Credit
Oroxcell has been granted from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation the approval to benefit Research Tax Credit (CIR). A tax credit for our R&D support (up to 30% ) can be applied to our customers.
3D Human Models Based Assays
The development organotypic three-dimensional models of Human tissues and organs has dramatically changed the mindset of testing innovative products in Industries, not only for efficacy, but also for investigating their ADME and toxicological properties.
Since 2006, Oroxcell, has built a strong experience in experimenting and validating series of assays based on 3D human tissues and organs. No doubt this trend is going to expand sharply during next decade.
Cell Culture
Since 2004, Oroxcell has developed skills and capacities to cultivate cells for ADMET and efficacy testing.
Bioanalytical Services
Bioanalysis is an essential part in drug, discovery and development. Bioanalysis is related to the analysis of analytes (drugs, metabolites, biomarkers) in biological samples and it involves several steps from sample collection to sample analysis and data reporting.
Since 2004, Oroxcell proposes a strong analytical support to a wide range of biological studies, with offers spanning from screening to GLP compliant studies.
About us
102 Avenue Gaston Roussel
93230 Romainville
Contact us :
+33 1 41 83 72 20
© 2019